+62 819 4492 9999Mon - Sun 8.00-21.00

Indonesian Archipelago

Indonesia Film Television Project Services

West Sulawesi Province Film Services

Indonesia Film Production Support Services

province of Indonesia, created in 2004. Sulawesi Barat or West Sulawesi is a new province established in October 5, 2004. The lack of access to public service facilities and the very slow process of development in the region motivated the creation of West Sulawesi. Mamuju as the capital city of the province, divided into 5 Regencies. Geographically, the province is located in the cross position of the golden Triangle of South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi as well as directly faces national and international sailing route of Makassar straits. Topographic condition of West Sulawesi Province comprises ocean, low land and high land, has enabled the province to have fertile land. Climate in the region generally belongs to tropical.

Places; Karampuang Island, Palippis Beach, Mamuju river, Paken cliff, Labuang Beach, Kalando waterfall, tappilagaang island, Rewataa Pamboang, etc.

West Sulawesi Film Services invite International Film Production company to make films in truly Indonesian Archipelago.


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Indonesia Film Production Support Services