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Indonesian Archipelago

Indonesia Film Television Project Services

Jogjakarta Province Film Services

Indonesia Film Production Support Services

Baron beach lies in Kemandang Village, Tanjungsari district about 23 km in the South of Wonosari city. Baron beach is the first beach that would be found in the junction of Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Drini, Krakal and Sundak beaches area. It is a bay with big wave. Baron beach is popular as fish catching area. There is a mouth of Underground River that can be used for bathing after playing in the beach. The visitors can also enjoy various.

The people of Yogyakarta are known for their hospitality and good manners, also slower paced and more relaxed than other cities in Indonesia.

Yogya is the center of Javanese arts from the refined court dances to modern arts in painting and performing art. Famous as a centre of traditional textile production, particularly batik. The distinctive batik of Yogya uses the basic colors of brown, indigo and white with in geometric designs. Many young artists of Yogya have also embraced the modern art of batik-painting.

Yogya is also known for its leather and wooden puppets crafts used for traditional shadow-puppet performances, as well as wooden puppet performances (wayang golek) that are used to act out ancient epics which contain popular but deep philosophical thoughts and teachings.

Places; Kalasan Temple, Prambanan Temple, Mount Merapi, Malioboro, Kraton Soultan Palace, Parangtritis Beach, Kaliurang, Tamansari, etc.

Jogjakarta Film Services invite International Film Production company to make films in truly Indonesian Archipelago.

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Indonesia Film Production Support Services